Data Preparation

Data preparation for cycle and chain algorithms

Effective application of the cycle and chain algorithms begins with proper data preparation. Data is the foundation upon which algorithms operate, and ensuring its accuracy, consistency, and structure is crucial for achieving meaningful outcomes.

Understanding the data structure

The cycle and chain algorithms work with data formatted in a specific way: a Comma-Separated Value (CSV) file containing three columns:

1. First Column: Identifier

2. Second Column: Current Position

3. Third Column: Expected Position

Capturing the data

1. Online Forms

2. Real-Time Applications

3. Standalone Applications or Spreadsheets

Saving data as CSV

CSV files store data in a simple text format where columns are separated by commas. Example:

ID,Current Position,Expected Position
1,Role A,Role B
2,Role B,Role C
3,Role C,Role A

Ensuring data quality

1. Uniformity in Data Entry

2. Error Reduction

3. Validation

4. Backup and Storage

Tailoring data collection to your use case

Examples of tailored approaches:

By following these best practices, you can ensure seamless integration with the cycle and chain algorithms.